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Jodi Chan

Jodi Chan

Broker w/ Chan & Associates

HouseCall began their real estate career in 2007 as investors/rehabbing bank owned properties. During their time fixing and flipping properties, they became experts in the real estate market.

HouseCall strives on working tirelessly to help meet clients needs and goals, and enjoys the challenges that the market brings.
Phone Number: (885) 555 555

Email: local@usmortgage.com

Address: 250 Premiere pk street 09
caliphornia, CA 30097

Contact Bonnie!

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Jodi Chan

Jodi Chan

Broker w/ Chan & Associates

HouseCall began their real estate career in 2007 as investors/rehabbing bank owned properties. During their time fixing and flipping properties, they became experts in the real estate market.

HouseCall strives on working tirelessly to help meet clients needs and goals, and enjoys the challenges that the market brings.
Phone Number: (885) 555 555

Email: local@usmortgage.com

Address: 250 Premiere pk street 09
caliphornia, CA 30097

Contact Ladipo!

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Jodi Chan

Jodi Chan

Broker w/ Chan & Associates

HouseCall began their real estate career in 2007 as investors/rehabbing bank owned properties. During their time fixing and flipping properties, they became experts in the real estate market.

HouseCall strives on working tirelessly to help meet clients needs and goals, and enjoys the challenges that the market brings.
Phone Number: (885) 555 555

Email: local@usmortgage.com

Address: 250 Premiere pk street 09
caliphornia, CA 30097

Contact Murray!

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Jodi Chan

Jodi Chan

Broker w/ Chan & Associates

HouseCall began their real estate career in 2007 as investors/rehabbing bank owned properties. During their time fixing and flipping properties, they became experts in the real estate market.

HouseCall strives on working tirelessly to help meet clients needs and goals, and enjoys the challenges that the market brings.
Phone Number: (885) 555 555

Email: local@usmortgage.com

Address: 250 Premiere pk street 09
caliphornia, CA 30097

Contact Jodi Chan!

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